Today I came across a video by Za3'lool el Naggar, claim facts about IRON (fe) and how the Qoran/Mohamed/God referring to it.
صديقي الملحد أعرف أنك تحب المنطق فاستمع إليه...
In the video at 5:00 he mentioned two numbers about the atomic weight of IRON and the atomic number.
what he said...
atomic weight == the sura number of surat el-7adeed
atomic number == number of Ayah of surat al-7adeed
In Quran: Al-7added number is 57 and it has 29 Ayah.
سورة الحديد - سورة 57 - عدد آياتها 29
IRON (Fe): Atomic Number: 26, and Atomic Weight: 55.845
The Element Iron